Manuscript Guidelines
- Authors should directly submit their contributions (in English) electronically via the manuscript submission system. All submissions must be anonymous, and in a Word format (.doc/.docx). All submissions must be accompanied by a Title page with authors' affiliations and any other relevant information (statements on data protection, received funding, conflicts of interest etc.).
- Research Articles should not have less than 6.000 or more than 10.000 words, excluding the list of references. Discussion Articles should be limited to 6.000 words maximum (excluding references).
- The CJIR utilizes a format-free submission. Authors may submit their paper in any scholarly format or layout. References can be in any style or format, so long as a consistent scholarly citation format is applied. Authors will be asked to comply with the journal's format guidelines after the manuscript is accepted for publication.
- References to literature in the text should be made by giving the author’s name and the year of publication, both in parentheses. Include the page number(s) if appropriate. Examples: a publication by one author: (Guzzini 1998: 120–121); two or three authors: (Philips – Hardy 2002); four or more authors: (Aguiton et al. 2002). If an author (or team of authors) has published two or more works in the same year, they should be distinguished from each other by adding the lower case letters a, b, c and so on after the year of publication. When referring to two or more publications by the same author (or team of authors) in the same citation, list the author's name (authors' names) only once at the beginning, and separate the years of publication and page numbers from each other with commas, e.g. (Miller 1994a: 32, 1994b, 2000). References to works by different authors are separated by a semicolon in the same citation, e.g. (Dijk 1997; Wetherell – Taylor – Yates 2001). Citations can also include indirect references, e.g. (Wight 1991, quoted in Barša – Císař 2008: 173–176). If the cited author's name appears directly in the text, include only the year and possibly the page number(s) in parentheses next to his or her name: According to Glenn Chafetz (1997: 664) this applies to individuals as well as states.
- Authors must provide a list of all referenced sources in alphabetical order. If DOI number exists for the particular source, add it at the end of the line according to the examples below. Examples of correct forms:
Books, edited books
- Berridge, Geoff R. (2015): Diplomacy: Theory and Practice. New York: Palgrave, <>.
- Sen, Jai – Anand, Anita – Escobar, Arturo – Waterman, Peter (eds., 2009): World Social Forum: Challenging Empires. Montréal: Black Rose Books.
Chapters in a book
- Dimitrijević, Vojin (2002b): Sukobi oko Ustava iz 1974. In: Popov, Nebojša (ed.): Srpska strana rata: Trauma i katarza u istrijskom pamćenju. Beograd: Samizdat B92, pp. 11–36.
- Taylor, Rupert (2001): Northern Ireland: Consociation or Social Transformation? In: McGarry, John (ed.): Northern Ireland and the Divided World: Post-Agreement Northern Ireland in Comparative Perspective. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 37–48, <>.
Journal articles
- Staňkovský, Jan (1996): Stav a perspektivy východního rozšiřování Evropské unie. Mezinárodní vztahy, Vol. 31, No. 1, pp. 36–50.
- Swidler, Anne (1986): Culture in Action: Symbols in Strategies. American Sociological Review, Vol. 51, No. 2, pp. 273–86, <>.
Newspaper articles
- Dvořák, Radim (2003): Čína, Tibet, Američané a Irák. Britské listy, 17 April 2003, <>.
- BBC (2005): Text: Arab Peace Plan of 2002. BBC News, 22 March 2005, <>.
Institutional authorship, internet documents
- Evropský parlament (2008): Usnesení Evropského parlamentu ze dne 8. května 2008 k vytvoření rámce pro činnost zástupců zájmových skupin (lobbistů) v evropských orgánech (2007/2115(INI)). Brusel: Evropský parlament, <>.
- Transparence International France (2009a): France: Encadrement du lobbying au Parlement: TI France appelle à une réforme ambitieuse, à la hauteur de l’enjeu démocratique. Paris: Transparence International France, 1 July 2009, <>.
- If you are using reference management software to manage your bibliographic data, you can download the citation style of the journal:
Citation style for Zotero and Mendeley (download CSL file)
Citation style for EndNote (download ENS file)
- Quotations (in italics) should be inserted within double quotation marks. If you include your own text within the quotations, use square brackets.
- American English should be used throghout the manuscript.
- For emphasis use italics only (do not use bold or underlined font). Use endnotes for extra information or comments. Designate endnotes in the text by superscript (consecutive Arabic numerals). Graphs or tables should contain all the construction data that was used in creating them (do not use bitmap graphics).
- All submissions should include a title, an abstract (between 100 and 150 words) and 5 to 8 keywords.
- Each book review or review essay should be accompanied by the book's full bibliographical record (including ISSN). Be sure to attach the English translation of the book's title to the review or review essay. Find more about book reviews here.
- All authors will receive the proofread version of their text before its publication so that they would be able to confirm it and/or make their own corrections to it.