How to Study Gender in International Security? An Introduction to Feminist Security Studies

Thinking on war, violence and security has always been associated with
concepts of femininity and masculinity. Similarly, wars and political
transformations also change the notions of the roles of women and men in
society. This article shows how the links between gender identities and
threat construction, understanding of aggression, or social sensitivity to
di!erent types of victims of violence can be studied academically. It
introduces feminist security studies, embeds it in the research of
international relations and security, and encourages its development in the
Czech academic environment. The article introduces key concepts and
methods of studying gender in (international) security, identifies key
themes in feminist security research, and explains various approaches and
types of questions that can be investigated in this area.
gender, feminism, security, identity, methods
Author Biography
Kateřina Krulišová
Kateřina Krulišová is a Lecturer in International Relations at the Department
of Politics and International Relations, Nottingham Trent University (NTU),
UK. She holds a Ph.D. in Global Studies from Nottingham Trent University.
Her work focuses on female perpetrators of political violence, the misogyny
hate crime initiative, and the Women, Peace and Security agenda in Central
and Eastern Europe. Her research interests further include
feminist security studies, feminist pedagogy, and the politics of memory.
Dagmar Rychnovská
Dagmar Rychnovská is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow at the Institute for
Advanced Studies (IHS), Vienna. She holds a Ph.D. in International Relations
(Charles University in Prague), an M.A. in Comparative and International
Studies (ETH Zurich and the University of Zurich) and an LLM in Law and Politics of International Security (VU University Amsterdam). In her current
work, she explores security controversies in research and innovation, while
drawing on security studies and science and technology studies. Her
research interests include critical security studies, sociology of science,
politics of new threats and security expertise