Pavel Přikryl: USA a evropská integrace: Nenápadný půvab americké hegemonie
Pavel Přikryl: USA a evropská integrace: Nenápadný půvab americké hegemonie. 1. vydání. Praha: Karolinum, 2014, 256 stran, ISBN 978-80-246-2688-8 (signatura knihovny ÚMV 61 465).
Author Biography
Michaela Ducháčková
Michaela Ducháčková, born in 1990, she studied Political Theories and Contemporary History at the Department of Political Science, the Faculty of Philosophy and Arts,
Charles University in Prague. She completed several professional
internships in NGOs and the state sector. Her areas of interest are the
functioning of non-democratic regimes and the causes of their
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