Sustainability in the Czech Republic: From a Green Growth Laggard to a Degrowth Hotspot

The Czech Republic is a notorious laggard in green transition policies. This begs the question of how stable the current socio-political setting is and whether it can resist deeper sustainability transitions in the long run. The paper combines institutional literature with sustainability transition research to describe the current situation and outline possible future developments in terms of the economic discourse. It shows that the reluctance towards the green transition may be caused not only by the strong position of incumbents but also by the limited relevance of the green competitiveness approach for the country’s situation. Based on recent developments and existing vulnerabilities, the paper identifies the possible strengths of the more radical approach to sustainability entailed in degrowth. Rather than a pure hegemony of one of the niche paradigms, however, it proposes as likely a pluriversal pathway combining elements of both in a patchwork manner.
green growth, degrowth, sustainability transition, pluriversal pathway
Author Biography
Ondřej Kolínský
Ondřej Kolínský is a green transition researcher at the Czech Technical University and the Association for International Affairs in Prague.