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Robert Conquest: Velký teror: Nové zhodnocení


Robert Conquest: Velký teror: Nové zhodnocení. 1. vydání. Praha: Academia, 2012, 811 stran, ISBN 978-80-200-2078-9 (signatura knihovny ÚMV 59 533).

PDF Book Review (Czech)

Author Biography

Jan Adamec

Born in 1978, he graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy at Charles
University, majoring in History and Political Science, and specializing in
History of Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union after 1945. In 2002 he
defended his thesis on internal political developments in Hungary from
March to December 1956 in light of Soviet archival documents. Currently he
is a post-graduate student of Contemporary History at the Faculty of
Philosophy at Charles University, and he also studies History at Central
European University in Budapest. Other areas of his research include the
history of the USSR in the Khrushchev period and the issues of Sovietization
of Eastern Europe. In the online magazine PWSV he edits the column
“Russian Section.”