Lucie Filipová: Francouzi a Němci na cestě ke sblížení: Partnerství měst a obcí (1950–2000ú
Lucie Filipová: Francouzi a Němci na cestě ke sblížení: Partnerství měst a obcí (1950–2000). 1. vydání. Praha: Academia, 2013, 450 stran, ISBN 978-80-200-2217-2, signatura knihovny ÚMV 59 289.
Author Biography
Jakub Němec
Born in 1984, he studied International Relations in combination with
Sociology at Masaryk University in Brno. He took part in a study abroad
programme at Bilgi Universitesi in Istanbul, where he deepened his interest
in Turkey and the Middle East region. He also monitors the issues of
European integration. He is currently working at the VSB - Technical
University of Ostrava.
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