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Executive Governance as a New Policy Model in the EU? The Crisis Management of the EU and its Impacts on the Political System


The EU crisis has brought about fundamental impacts on the constitutional
framework of the EU governance. The internationalization of EU law, the
strengthening of the intergovernmental form of decision making with the
crucial role of the European Council and the corresponding weakening of
parliamentary bodies can be seen as symptoms of a shift of the EU towards
an executive form of federal governance. However, this trend may not be
interpreted simply as a “return” of the sovereign state as the key actor
within the European polity, as it might be according to traditional theories
of emergency powers. The decision making is de facto relocated from the
political level to the level of administration. Thus, instead of de-parliamentarization, we can speak about de-politization or a
reconfiguration of the political. The crucial role here – even in decisions of
summits of the European Council and the Euro Council – is played by
administrative bodies, particulary those of the Council Secretariat and the
Commission’s services. While the economic crisis is (hopefully) already
overcome, the overcoming of the crisis of democracy is not in sight.


European Union, emergency powers, financial crisis, executive federalism, postpolitics

PDF Research Article (Czech)

Author Biography

Vojtěch Belling

Born in 1981, he is a Czech lawyer, historian and political scientist. He
worked at the Ministry of Foreign A!airs and then at the O"ce of the
Governemnt, where in the years 2011-2014 he was the State Secretary for
European A!airs. He also worked as a lecturer at the Law Faculty of Charles
University, Ruprich-Karls-Universität Heidelberg and other academic
institutions. He is currently teaching at the University of Jan Evangelista in
Ústí nad Labem and acts as the head of the EU and international
organizations department in the Czech National Bank. He specializes in
European law, philosophy of law and justice, and the history of political


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