Petr Drulák, Šárka Moravcová (eds.): Non-Western Reflection on Politics
Petr Drulák – Šárka Moravcová (eds.): Non-Western Reflection on Politics. 1. vydání. Frankfurt nad Mohanem: Peter Lang GmbH, 2013, 259 stran, ISBN 978-3-631-64354-9 (signatura knihovny ÚMV 59 835).
Author Biography
Alfred Kramar
Alfred Kramer, born in 1991, he is a PhD student at the Department of Politics and
International Relations of the Faculty of Philosophy and Arts, University of
West Bohemia in Pilsen. He graduated from the British and American
Studies (B.A.) and International Relations (M.A.) programmes at the same
department. His dissertation focuses on the South African post-apartheid
foreign policy.
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