Minulost jedné iluze
The book by historian François Furet titled The Past of an Illusion garnered significant attention among circles of the French intelligentsia, which has generally leaned to the left in the past. The weekly magazine Le Nouvel Observateur devoted several pages at the beginning of March 1995 to an interview between its editor-in-chief, Jean Daniel, and historian Furet. This is a very interesting material that provides insight into how the French intelligentsia embraced communism and how it is now trying to come to terms with this legacy.
Author Biography
Zdeněk Müller
nar. 1947, publicista, vystudoval filozofii a arabštinu na Univerzitě Karlově. Pracoval v Orientálním
ústavu, dnes žije v Paříži. Zabývá se zejména sociálními a politickými problémy současné Francie.